Monday, January 4, 2010

Fanfiction time!!!

Okay so I've posting alot lately, But I just have so much stuff I want to share with the world! >.< style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 327px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 203px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5423108275177215954" border="0" alt="" src="">

Natsuo's blank expression pored over Yoji.

"What?" Yoji acted innocent.

"You bought me...a chef knife?"

Yup!" Yoji's smile softened Natsuo's features.

"So you can make me special Christmas apple bunnys"

A grin spred across Natsuo's features as he reached under the shinning Christmas tree.

"Here." Yoji took the gift handed to him, eagerly.

Natsuo watched as he attempted to open the beautifully wrapped gift. Snowflakes fell outside, swept to the studio's window by a silent breeze.

"OOWF!" Yoji hopped onto Natsuo, happily, giving him a tender kiss. His smile mirrored Natsuo's.

"You got me candy!" The box lay on the floor, filled to the rim with sweets of Christmas colors, lush reds, tinsle greens, and starlit silvers.

Next to them Soubi smiled. "Who's ready for hot cocoa?"

Ritsuka's ear twitched when Soubi said this, making Kio laugh so hard that his candy cane flavored chupa chupa nearly fell from his mouth.

Three minutes later, the zero boys had snuggled up together on their futon, the white blankets sheilding them from the cold. Hot cocoa forgotten, they simply drank in eachother's presence.

"Thank you for the candy, Natsuo."

"Thank you for the knife, Yoji."

Yoji threw his arms around Natsuo, pulling him into the blonde's warmth. The tree's rainbow lights sent a calm air throughout the packed apartment as a drousy Ritsuka fell asleep on Soubi's lap, Kio crashing happily on the plush couch.

They had finnaly found their peace.

Thank you for reading, and if you haven't read or watched Loveless, I really recommend it. It turned my entire veiw on life around. It is VERY good and I hope to someday have acheive such a beautiful comic, myself. ^^

Love, Ami <3

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